Randall and Michael WinstonWe received some crushing news today.  Many of you know Randall and Andrea Terry.  Randall was the founder of Operation Rescue and has been a pillar of the Pro-Life Community for decades.  Andrea led our Women’s Retreat a few years ago.  Both were members of Church of the Messiah for a season along with their four wonderful sons.  We heard news today through Fr. Terry Gensemer of CEC-for-Life that Michael Winston Terry, Randall and Andrea’s 10 year-old son has been diagnosed with cancer.  They are currently not sure of the specific type, but they know that the cancer has spread and is already at Stage 4.  This is, of course, incredibly serious, and Randall and Andrea have taken to social media to begin asking everyone to begin praying for their son.  Please add Michael Winston to your prayer list.  For more information, you can visit Randall’s web-page where he has set up a special section dedicated to Michael by clicking HERE.

THE LATEST UPDATE:  We received this word from Fr. Terry Gensemer today.  The doctors are 99% sure it is lymphoma. That is way better than ewing-sarcoma but Michael is still in a fight for his life. The Cancer has metastasized to his kidneys and pancreas.  Randall and Andrea are admitting Michael to John Hopkins on Thursday to begin Chemotherapy no later than Friday. Randall and Andrea beg your prayers, and thank you for your love and support.