The challenge to the Church in every age is both evangelism, assimilation, and leaving a legacy.  The Bishops are actively seeking the Lord, even during this pandemic, and listening to His voice regarding all these areas of mission and ministry.  And, on all levels, things are happening to give glory to God.  There is not a Church in the CEC that isn’t about doing all we can to lead people to the phenomenal, awesome, and glorious savior named Jesus.

I want to address legacy for a moment.  This June, we once again have what is called “Foundation Day.”  On this day, each Church in the CEC is to take up a special offering.  It is suggested that each person give ten dollars.  When collected, the money will go to a fund where 1/3 will be given out in loans, 1/3 will be given out in grants, and 1/3 will be invested for the future.  For what purpose?  To build the Church through the building, purchasing, or repairing of Church facilities.  It will also be used for programs that can advance the growth of the Church.   It is building a legacy.

My children grew up in convergence worship and the Charismatic Episcopal Church.   They now have children (my grandchildren and inheritance from the Lord).  It is possible, in my case, that in the not so far away future the children of my children could have children.  (Not the near future as they are still young, but time goes by fast).  We will be a fourth-generation CEC family.  (Some have already reached that point in their families and their church families.)

I would encourage you to give generously to the foundation offering.  We are still under the mandate to build places of prayer, worship, and unity.  We are called to be part of the three streams of evangelical, charismatic, and sacramental/liturgical worship that makes visible the ancient and historic faith in Jesus.  We are small, but our call is not about size but faithfulness to the mission.  We are called to be faithful to build a legacy for the next generation to continue this very holy and worthy mission.

The pandemic is coming to an end, and we can now get together face to face.  We soon can return to receiving communion in both kinds from a common cup.  We can once again greet one another with a sign of God’s peace that might involve a hug.  It is a good day that is in front of us.  Let us rejoice and be glad.

Under His mercy,

Craig W. Bates,


To give to the Foundation Day offering through Church of the Messiah, click HERE.  For more information on Foundation Day, including the history of the offering and financial accountability, click HERE to visit the Foundation Day page on the web-site of the Charismatic Episcopal Church of North America.