
This afternoon Fr. Looker received another update from Len Showalter and the Len Ministries Team in Uganda.  Here is their most recent update:

    Monday morning Pastor Robert picked the team up at 7:30am and took them to his church, Lifehouse Community Church here in Mityana, Uganda.  During registration, a hard rain came and lasted for a few hours.  It was very noisy on the tin roof.  The power seems to be off more than it is on here.  Because it is the rainy season, they turn off the power during rain, thunder, or lightning storms.  This is a difficult concept for us Americans as we are used to our power companies fixing such a problem quickly.
     During the lecture time, Pastor’s Len, and Guy; and Danielle taught the students.  By the end of the day, there were 28 students.  Out of these students, 14 of them had either a profession or assurance of their salvation! The class finished up around 7:00pm.
     Tuesday morning Carla shared the devotion from Isaiah 43 – about being a witness.  The students then broke into groups to pray for the harvest.  They then took a test to see how much of the Gospel part of the outline they knew and were then on to working on their testimonies.
     While the students were learning, Pastor Guy, Danielle, Carla, and Marcia went to the school and shared about the USA, Cameroon, and Russia as well as the Gospel.  They first shared with the older children where there were 96 children.  25-30 children raised their hands to pray the prayer of Salvation.  All 96 children prayed the prayer.  The team then went and met with the younger children.  They shared about themselves and then shared the Gospel with them.  There were 105 children and most all of them prayed to receive Jesus into their hearts.
     During the street witnessing time, (OJT – On Job Training) there were 7 trainers with 3-5 students in each group. The teams went out into the neighboring streets to Share the Gospel.  The students shared their testimonies and did very well.  Unfortunately, there isn’t this evangelism material in Ugandan, only English.  This has been a challenge, but the students are pressing in and overcoming the obstacles.  Although English is spoken here in Mityana, many do not know how to speak it because they don’t use it.
Tonight there were:  39 people contacted
The Gospel was shared 27 times to 37 people
There were 18 professions of faith
and 2 assurances of salvation!