biblical-church-advertOn Wednesday, October 19th, Fr. Looker concluded the five-week teaching series The History of the Biblical Church.  Now the entire series along with the PowerPoint presentation used during the teachings are available on-line.  During the Bible Study, Fr. Looker took context clues given by St. Paul in his various Epistles to expand the picture given by St. Luke in The Acts of the Apostles.  By comparing details in St. Paul’s writings with St. Luke’s story, the congregation was able to hear a much more full and and vivid story of the history of the earliest Church, the Church during the times of the apostles, evangelists, and disciples, than they had ever seen before.  This was a very enriching teaching series and now it is available for download.  You can download the PowerPoints and listen along with the teachings or just listen to the teachings by themselves.  A new series begins Wednesday, October 26th, at seven o’clock.

Week 1: Introduction & Background [Download the PowerPoint]

Week 2: The History of the Church of Galatia [Download the PowerPoint]

Week 3: The History of the Church in Thessalonika [Download the PowerPoint]

Week 4: The History of the Corinthian Correspondence [Download the PowerPoint]

Week 5: The History of the Prison Epistles [Download the PowerPoint]