Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.” (1 Corinthians 3.6)

There is no question in my mind that the Lord God wants to give increase to His Church. The very story of Pentecost tells that on that day about three thousand were added to them. (Acts 2.41) And, the story goes on to tell us that the Lord added to the Church daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2.47) What is clear to me is that God is not only in the Church Growth business but also it is God who gives the growth. Yet, we have a role in the process of expanding the Church and expanding the Kingdom. We are called to “water” and to “plant.”

This year has been a good year in the life of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. Around the world people are coming to either a new or renewed relationship with Christ. Others are experiencing a refreshing of the Holy Spirit and a release of the spiritual gifts in their life. It is also a year when we saw new buildings constructed or purchased. It is a year when we were able through Foundation Day to assist three congregations with their buildings and hence not only relieve financial pressures but also enable them to focus on the work of the Kingdom – prayer, evangelism, and discipleship.

Foundation Day is coming up again this June 24 and each congregation is directed by the Patriarch’s Council and their own Bishop to take up a special offering to assist congregations in the purchase or construction of buildings. This offering is to be collected on Sunday closest to June 26th, which is the date of the consecration of the first bishop in the Charismatic Episcopal Church – Abp. Randolph Adler.

In the United States each parishioner is asked to give $10 to the Foundation Day Offering. That means a family of two would give $20 while a family of five would give $50.

As the money is collected at the Patriarch’s Office (122 Broadway, Malverne, NY, USA 11565, checks payable to ‘CEC’ or donate online at ) it is then distributed in three ways. One third of the offering is given out to congregations as gifts, one third is distributed as low interest loans, and one third is invested.

You can find a report of the income and giving for 2012 and previous years on You will discover if you visit the site not only are we more and more able to help congregations because of the generous giving of God’s people but our investment in the future is growing.

I want to encourage all of you to begin now talking to the members of your congregation about Foundation Day. If we can assist you in any way please do not hesitate to contact the Patriarch’s Office.

I look forward to seeing many of you in Madrid, Spain for 2012 Convocation. It is going to be a glorious time celebrating not only what the Lord has done, but what the Lord is doing and will do in our midst. The Risen Christ is with us.

Under His mercy,

The Most Rev. Craig W. Bates,
Patriarch, ICCEC