imagesThe August Ultreya is this Tuesday night beginning at 6pm.  It will be a very special Ultreya for two reasons.  First, in preparation for the upcoming Tres Arroyos #7, we will be preparing Palanca, so bring any artsy and craftsy supplies you might have from previous weekends.  Secondly, this is the last Ultreya that we will have at the home of Greg and Diane Looker (Click HERE for a map).  There will not be a local Ultreya in October because of the Tres Arroyos Weekends and, in Novemeber, we will begin having the Ultreyas at Church of the Messiah’s new building where we have plenty of space and an ample kitchen!  This Tuesday night, dinner is pot-luck and begins at 6pm with the grouping beginning at 7pm.  We will conclude with the Holy Eucharist.  The Ultreya is open to anyone who has attended Tres Arroyos or any other three-day retreat along the lines of Cursillo, Walk to Emmaus, Awakenings, Lighthouse Via De Christo, etc…