Slide1It’s not too late to register for this year’s Women’s Retreat.  If you are interested in attending this year, please contact Janice Paysinger or Darla Shiell by Thursday at the latest!  The theme for this year’s retreat will be “Relentless: Reignited, Reclaimed, Revived, and Repurposed” and our Retreat Leader will be Shannon Clemons.  The retreat will once again be held at the beautiful Epworth-by-the-Sea in St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, September 12th through 14th.  For pricing details and a biography of the retreat leader, click on the flyers to the left.  The retreat promises to be an amazing, Spirit-led weekend and we want everyone to be there and experience what God is doing.  Please contact Janice or Darla if you have not already done so.  Payment arrangements have another week before they are due.  The ladies of Church of the Messiah are very excited about this retreat and hope that everyone will attend this powerful event!
