FollowMe Advert 2This Wednesday night will draw to a close one of the most informative teaching series Church of the Messiah has hosted in years.  September 10th, beginning at 7pm, Fr. Scott Looker will teach the final session of Follow Me: an Introduction to the Gospel According to St. Matthew.  In the last week of the Bible study, Fr. Looker will focus on the last four chapters of the Gospel dealing with the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord as only St. Matthew relays it.  Join Church of the Messiah for this powerful conclusion to what has already been an insightful Bible study.

Follow Me: An Introduction to the Gospel According to Saint Matthew is part of Church of the Messiah’s regular Wednesday night worship service.  Each night begins with anointed praise and worship and concludes with a time of intercessory prayer.  Childcare is provided during this service.  The service dismisses by 8:30 so that everyone can be home in order to get kids in bed and prepare for work the next day.  Set your DVR’s and watch it when you get home, because Wednesday nights are amazing at Church of the Messiah!